Approbation of Constitutional Benches: Government of National Capital Territo...


The Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023 was passed by the Central Government. It resulted in the nullification of the Judgement of the Constitutional B...

Constitutionality of the Electoral Bond Scheme


Constitutionality of the Electoral Bond Scheme Association for Democratic Reforms v Union of India Citation: 2024 INSC 113 "The Supreme Court held that the Electoral Bond Scheme was uncon...

The Legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong: Ramifications


The legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong recently has led to a heated debate regarding its potential infringement on the rights and freedoms of speech and expression. The law, which became ef...

Freedom Of Trade, Commerce And Intercourse In India


As we all know India is a democratic country and we live in era where every things are being digitalized from north pole to south pole, be it America , Japan and China . This paper will discuss...

Literal Rule of Interpretation of Statutes: Important Features, Advantages an...


The literal rule of interpretation of statutes gives preference to the precise language used in a statute or law under scrutiny. It requires that the words be given their ordinary, grammatical,...

Exploring Fundamental Rights In The Indian Constitution: A Comprehensive Anal...


In any democratic society, the cornerstone lies in the protection of individual liberties and the pursuit of equality and justice. The Indian Constitution encapsulates these principles through ...

Differences between Written and Unwritten Constitution


Two distinct approaches to shaping a nation's legal framework and principles of governance are embodied by a written constitution and an unwritten constitution. A written constitution takes ...

Electoral Bond Scheme: A Questionnaire


Electoral Bond Scheme - A Questionnaire In the Constitution Bench Judgment by which the Electoral Bond Scheme was declared unconstitutional, many question remained hush - i.e. whether the sc...

Article 21: Protection Of Right To Life And Personal Liberty Under Indian Con...


Through Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, every person has been provided with the right to life. The right to life not only refers to the existence of breathing, but also includes a number...

Good Law: Essential Attributes


The essential attributes of a good law may be classified as follows: Clarity and Precision: The hallmark of a good law is its clear and precise language, as ambiguity can lead to confusion and u...