Decoding Media Regulations in India


Media in India has a long history, driven over the years by large-scale digitization and higher Internet usage. Laws relating to media self-censorship are deeply rooted in India's legal traditi...

Contempt of Court Case: Dr.D.C Saxena v/s The Hon'ble Chief Justice of India


Issue: Whether the stated prayer of the petitioner will amount to contempt of court under the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971? Whether the provision under the Contempt of Court Act, 1971 u...

Convergence Of Media Trial With Freedom Of Speech And Expression: A Threat To...


Media Trial Or Kalyug: Isn't it one and the same thing when we take a look around us. Being abreast of has gradually taken course of being a pre requisite in this era of yug we live in now wher...

Media Trial In Age Of Justice


The media's role in shaping societal opinion is undeniable, with the strength to influence perspectives on diverse occasions. While media trials play a crucial position in exposing heinous crim...

Critical Analysis Of Media And Privacy


This article delves into the intricate relationship between media and privacy is governed by a web of laws and regulations, both at the international and national levels. Media, often regarded ...

Misuse of Power in Journalism: When the Fourth Estate Forgets its Duty


Introduction As an essential component of democracy, journalism serves a crucial function. Acting as a sentinel, it prevents the government from overreaching and engaging in unethical activiti...

Implications And Flaws/Misconducts Of The Freedom Of Press, Its Impact On Soc...


This research article throws lights on the "Impact Of Media In Society" with respect to provided provisions or rights for media in the Indian Constitution. How media is helping citizens to acce...

Media Trial And Its Implications Under Indian Laws


Media trials, the public scrutiny and judgment of individuals or events by the media before the conclusion of a court trial, have become a contentious issue in India. This article examines the ...

The Cinematography (Amendment) Bill, 2023: A Comprehensive Approach to Curbin...


The Indian film industry has long battled the menace of piracy, which not only affects filmmakers' revenues but also hampers the growth of the creative ecosystem. To tackle this pressing issue ...

Media And Telecom Industries Market Growth Analysis


Media and Telecom Industry India is one of the fastest-growing Media and Entertainment markets in the world and produces the highest number of films in the world every year. Introduction The...