All Articles by Dr. Dinesh Kumar

Revamping Political Funding in India: Prof. Dinesh Kumar's Vision Post-Suprem...


The Supreme Court of India struck down the Electoral Bond Scheme in a ground-breaking verdict in February 2024. It made a pivotal moment in the country's ongoing struggle to refine political fu...

The Underutilized Assets of India's Legal System: A Look at Court Managers


In 2010, a reformist wave hit India's judicial shores with the introduction of Court Managers (CMs). Policymakers envisioned these professionals as catalysts for change, bridging the gap betwee...

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Popular Articles by Dr. Dinesh Kumar

Revamping Political Funding in India: Pr...


The Supreme Court of India struck down the Electoral Bond Scheme in a ground-breaking verdict i...

The Underutilized Assets of India's Lega...


In 2010, a reformist wave hit India's judicial shores with the introduction of Court Managers (...

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