AI And Emotional Intelligence: Teaching Machines To Understand Human Feelings


In the field of artificial intelligence, there has been a notable transition from primarily cognitive tasks to a more comprehensive comprehension of human behaviour. One intriguing development ...

Privacy in the Age of Media: Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality


In today's digital era, the intersection of privacy and media has become a pressing concern for individuals, corporations, and governments alike. With the rapid advancement of technology, the b...

The Regulatory Landscape: A Comprehensive Analysis of Online Gaming Regulatio...


The digital age has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity and entertainment, revolutionizing the way individuals across the globe engage with leisure activities. In India, the realm o...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labour Force


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of society, including the labour force. As AI technology continues to adva...

Constitutional Right to Privacy and Its Implications for Data Protection Laws...


The constitutional right to privacy is a fundamental pillar of individual freedom and autonomy. In India, this right was explicitly recognized by the Supreme Court in a landmark judgment in 201...

Cyber Crimes: The Rise Of Digital Offenses And Cybersecurity Challenges


Cyber Security plays an important role in the field of information technology securing the information have become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. When ever we think about the...

Unraveling Cyberlaw: Understanding Its Role in 21st Century Due Process


In this rapidly changing world, the Internet has changed mainly every dimension of our lives involving the legal domain. As many advancements have been made in technology, the legal sector has ...

Legal Landscape In India Governing Digital Lending At A Glance


The digital lending landscape in India has undergone a major shift, incorporating technological innovation with traditional banking services. This evolution of traditional banking services for ...

Loving in the Digital Times: Deceptive Love


"There exists a significant difference between amour de soi and amour propre" - - Jean Jacques Rousseau According to Rousseau, "amour de soi" is a type of love that is instinctual and not se...

Impact Of Social Media On Domestic Violence


In a dynamic society that we live in technology and interpersonal connections are two things which keep on evolving. This article seeks to bring to light the small intricacies between social me...