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Protection of Rights of Unorganised labourers in India

India is home to a large population of unorganised labourers, who form an integral part of the country's workforce. Unfortunately, these workers are often marginalised and deprived of their rights due to lack of legal protection or awareness. This article examines the current state of affairs regarding the protection of rights for unorganised labourers in India and suggests ways in which they can be empowered.

Firstly, it is important to understand what constitutes an unorganised labourer in India. An unorganised worker is one who does not have any kind of legal protection and works without the security of a regular job or contract. This includes agricultural workers, domestic help, construction workers, street vendors and other informal sector employees. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are over 400 million such workers in India alone. Most of them work for very low wages, often with no access to social security benefits or health insurance.

Due to their lack of legal protection, these workers are often exploited by employers and forced into hazardous conditions with little or no pay. In addition to this they also face discrimination based on caste and gender which further marginalises them from society at large and denies them access to basic rights like education and healthcare services.

The Indian Government has taken some steps towards protecting the rights of unorganised labourers but there is still much more that needs to be done in order ensure their safety and well-being as members of society. The most effective way forward would be through legislation that provides these vulnerable groups with adequate protections under law so that they can enjoy the same rights as organised labour groups do today.

One example of such legislation is the Unorganized Worker's Social Security Act 2008 which was introduced by the Indian Government in order provide greater security for those working in casual employment situations such as daily wage earners or part-time/seasonal jobs etc., It provides various social security benefits like old age pension scheme, health insurance coverage for hospitalisation expenses etc., thereby providing essential financial support during times when money may be scarce due accidents or illness related issues faced by these unorganised labourers.

Additionally, the act also requires employers registered under it take certain measures ensure safety while performing hazardous duties like electricians having proper training before being allowed perform tasks involving electricity. However, its implementation remains patchy at best due inadequate awareness among both employers & employees regarding this act leading many times exploitation even after its introduction.

Another measure taken up recently is setting up special courts dedicated solely towards hearing cases pertaining laws specifically designed protect interests & welfare our unorganized laborers called 'Labour Courts' . These courts provide speedy resolution disputes between employed & employer thus preventing exploitation occurring on account slow judicial process civil court system where cases linger years together without any resolution favour either party involved dispute.

Furthermore ,these courts also allow filing complaints against companies who fail adhere government regulations laid down protect interests our labours which otherwise could go unnoticed if filed using traditional civil court system taking ages resolve case owing its red tape bureaucracy associated with latter option.

Other than legislations , another way empower our unskilled labours would educating them about their fundamental rights enshrined Constitution India via mass campaigns conducted keep people informed about same. For instance few NGOs have been actively conducting workshops rural areas informing farmers about minimum wages should receive market prices produce along information regarding other government schemes like loan waivers & subsidies they can avail if eligible same.

This has enabled them become aware their basic rights and accordingly take actions against employers exploiting them or underpaying wages due lack knowledge about current laws related labour rights. Additionally, through these workshops people have also come know importance joining unions so that collective bargaining power is used negotiate better wages & other benefits from employers while protecting interests our unorganised labourers at large scale.

Finally, it is important to note that the protection of the rights of unorganised labourers in India cannot be effectively achieved without proper implementation. The government needs to ensure that there are adequate mechanisms in place for monitoring and enforcing existing legislation as well as creating new ones where needed. In addition, greater awareness among both workers and employers about the legal framework should be encouraged via campaigns, seminars and other forms of outreach programmes. Only then can we guarantee a safe working environment for all members of society regardless of their economic status.

In conclusion, it is clear that unorganised labourers form an integral part of India's workforce but are often marginalised due to lack of legal protection or awareness. Therefore, it is essential for the government to introduce effective measures such as special courts dedicated solely towards hearing cases pertaining to laws specifically designed protect interests & welfare our unorganized laborers along with mass campaigns educating people about their fundamental rights enshrined in Constitution of India etc., in order to empower this vulnerable group within society create just & equitable work conditions for everyone involved Indian economy alike.

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