Latest from Intellectual Property Law

The Regulation of Trademark Trolls


In the dynamic landscape of intellectual property, the emergence of "Trademark Trolls" presents a significant challenge to businesses, innovation, and fair competition. These entities, often op...

Trade Secret Arbitration


Trade SecretsTrade secrets may be defined as any piece of information that is only known to the producers or manufacturers of a commodity that is usually maintained as a secret to gain a compet...

Innovation For All: Technology, Intellectual Property And The SDGS


Technology is a strong driver of progress in the connected world of today, and it is closely linked to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to provide insight i...

Protecting A Sustainable Future: The Impact Of Intellectual Property Rights O...


Strong environmental worries, combined with the imperative need for immediate action in terms of sustainability, have only heightened the question of the correlation between environmental susta...

Copyright Law in the Fashion Industry


The fashion business in India extends back thousands of years. Since antiquity, India has been the cradle of fashion apparel knowledge. Men's and women's dress choices were a prominent indicato...

Ethical And Social Implication Of Digital Intellectual Property Rights And Co...


Intellectual property Rights (IPR) and competition law are generally regarded as juxtaposition and contradiction. IPR includes the concept of having ideas creation and inventions in science, ...

The Deepfake Enigma Vis-a-Vis Indian Copyright Laws


About Deepfake TechnologyThe myriad of deepfake technology, from its nascent presence since early 1990's to its ignominious specters today, is not only readily available but has also transgress...

Legal Implications Of Smart Contracts In International Business Transaction


As the sphere of intellectual property and innovation is in constant flux, the idea of "patent trolling" has seen so much space in the public advocate and wisdom domain, generating tr...

Intellectual Property Rights: An Overview And Implications In The Tech Industry


As we all know how rapidly the IT department is growing. Hence a result of the industrial revolution, technology has continued to advance, and with the present shift to the digital era, nearly ...

Rejection of Patent Application namely Managing Instant Messaging Sessions on...


The patent system plays a crucial role in incentivizing innovation by granting exclusive rights to inventors for their creations. However, not all inventions meet the criteria for patentability...