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Exploring the concept of Primary and Secondary Evidence

To demonstrate a case in a Court of Law, bits of evidence are offered by both the gatherings and certain systematized rules are appropriate to ensure that the evidence is offered inside the limits recommended by law. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is the law that administers the offering of evidence in judicial continuing whether Civil, Criminal, or of some other nature except for wherein it has been barred by law for now.

According to Section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 Documentary Evidence means, All Documents produced for the inspection of the Court; such documents are called documentary evidence. Documentary evidence implies and incorporates all documents delivered under the steady gaze of the Court for its review. Documents are isolated into two classes, Public Documents, and Private Documents.

The creation of Documents in Court is directed by Civil Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. The substance of documents should be demonstrated either by the creation of a document which is called Primary Evidence or Secondary Evidence.

The articulation Document signifies any matter communicated or portrayed upon any substance by methods for letters, figures, or marks, or by more than one of those methods, planned to be utilized, or which might be utilized, to record that matter.  Written words on a piece of paper, words printed, lithographed or photographed, map or plan, an inscription on metal plate or stone, caricature are all examples of a document.

The overall guideline is that the best evidence ought to be brought under the steady gaze of the Court; notwithstanding, there might be conditions when as a result of  numerous an explanation best evidence can't be brought under the watchful eye of the court for example at the point when the original document is lost or annihilated, and so on Hence, how a document is to be demonstrated when its root isn't in the presence or in the ownership of the party who wishes to depend upon it.

Section 61 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 mentions that the contents of the documents may be proved either by primary or by secondary evidence. Here, the obvious question emerges what is primary and secondary evidence.

Section 62 of the Act defines Primary Evidence. It posits that the document itself produced for the inspection of the court is called “Primary Evidence”. The two explanations appended with the section further elaborate the concept.

Section 63 of the Act characterizes Secondary Evidence which in wide terms implies Certified copies, photocopy made by a mechanical cycle which in themselves guarantees the exactness of the copy, copies produced using or contrasted and the first, partners of documents as against the parties who didn't execute them and ultimately oral accounts of the substance of a report given by some individual who has himself seen it.

Section 64 of the Act specifies the documents should be demonstrated by essential evidence besides in cases referenced in Section 65 of the Act.

Primary Evidence

Primary evidence means the documents itself produced for the inspection of the Court.

As per Section 62, primary evidence is viewed as the highest class of evidence. Such evidence is an original document that should be submitted before the court for inspection. Besides, it is admissible with no earlier notification. Such evidence should be introduced before the court before the secondary evidence. Also, secondary evidence can be introduced distinctly in the absence of primary evidence by clarifying the justification for the absence of such evidence.

Primary evidence, all the more ordinarily known as best evidence, is the best accessible validation of the presence of an object since it is the genuine thing. It contrasts from secondary evidence, which is a duplicate of, or substitute for, the original. If primary evidence is accessible to a party, that individual should offer it as evidence. When, in any case, primary evidence is inaccessible—for instance, through misfortune or obliteration—through no issue of the party, the individual in question may introduce a dependable substitute for it, when its inaccessibility is sufficiently established.

Secondary Evidence
As indicated by Section 63, secondary evidence is viewed as a sub-par sort of evidence. It suggests, that even after creating secondary evidence one necessary to deliver primary evidence to fill in the holes. Such evidence can be presented in the absence of the primary evidence, nonetheless, the notice of the equivalent is to be given. In any case, if the secondary evidence is accepted with no objection inside a reasonable time then the parties don't reserve the privilege to argue that the fact was demonstrated with the assistance of secondary evidence and not primary evidence.

On bare perusing, secondary evidence implies and incorporates:

  1. Certified copies given under the provisions hereinafter contained.
  2. Copies made from the original by mechanical processes which in themselves insure the accuracy of the copy, and copies compared with such copies.
  3. Copies made from or compared with the original.
  4. Counterparts of documents as against the parties who did not execute them.
  5. Oral accounts of the contents of a document given by some person who has himself seen it.

Differences between Primary and Secondary Evidence

  • Primary evidence is the main source of evidence while secondary evidence is not the main but an alternative source of evidence.
  • Presenting primary evidence is a general rule while presenting secondary evidence is an exception to the general rule.
  • Primary evidence is admissible and no prior notice is required before presenting primary evidence. In the case of secondary evidence, it is only admissible if there is no primary evidence and prior notice is required before presenting secondary evidence.
  • Primary Evidence has the highest value while the value of secondary evidence is not like that of primary evidence.
  • Primary evidence is considered to be the best evidence. Secondary Evidence is not the best evidence but is evidence of secondary nature and is admitted in exceptional circumstances mentioned in Section 65.

Circumstances Under Which Secondary Evidence Is Admissible

Even though the standard is that the best evidence is to be offered. Nonetheless, there are a few circumstances under which secondary evidence can be given and these circumstances have been referenced under Section 65 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Notwithstanding, before offering the secondary evidence of any document the court must be fulfilled concerning the conditions referenced in Section 65 of the Act before any secondary evidence is allowed to be offered.

The court needs to see that the healthy provisions of Section 65 are not mishandled. The Hon'ble Supreme court of India has held to the effect that “the secondary evidence must be authenticated by foundational evidence that the alleged copy is in fact a true copy of the original. It should be emphasized that the exceptions to the rule requiring primary evidence are designed to provide relief in a case where a party is genuinely unable to produce the original through no fault of that party”.

Some of the conditions in which secondary evidence may be tendered are as follows:

  1. At the point when the original is appeared or gives off an impression of being in the possession or power of the individual against whom the document is looked to be proved, or of any individual far from, or not exposed to, the process of the Court, or any individual legally bound to produce it, and when, after the notification referenced in Section 66, such individual doesn't produce it.
  2. At the point when the existence, condition, or contents of the original have been proved to be admitted in writing by the individual against whom it is proved or by his delegate in interest.
  3. At the point when the original has been destroyed or lost, or when the party offering evidence of its contents can't, for some other explanation not emerging from his own default or neglect, produce it in reasonable time;
  4. At the point when the original is of such a nature as not to be effectively movable;
  5. At the point when the original is a public document inside the significance of Section 74;
  6. At the point when the original is a document of which a certified copy is allowed by Evidence Act, or by some other law in power in India to be given in evidence;
  7. At the point when the originals comprise of various records or different documents which can't advantageously be analyzed in Court, and the reality to be proved is the overall aftereffect of the entire assortment.

In cases (a), (c) and (d), any secondary evidence of the contents of the documents is admissible. In case (b), the written admission is admissible. In case (e) or (f), a certified copy of the record, however, no other sort of secondary evidence, is admissible. In case (g), evidence might be offered regarding the general result of the documents by any person who has examined them, and who is gifted in the assessment of such documents.

Types of Secondary Evidence
Under section 76 the certified copies are defined. The correctness of certified copies will be presumed under section 79, but that of other copies will have to be proved. This proof might be managed by calling a witness who can swear that he had contrasted the copy offered in evidence and the original, or with some other person read as the contents of the original and that such is right. Copies are arranged by a mechanical process.

The copies arranged by mechanical process and copies contrasted and such copies as referenced in clause 2 of this section. In the previous case, as the duplicate is produced using the original it guarantees precision. To this classification have place copies by photography, lithography, cyclostyle, and carbon copies. Section 62 (2) expresses that, where some of the document is made by one uniform process, as on account of printing, lithography, or photography, each is primary evidence of the substance of the rest, yet where they are on the whole copies of a typical original, they are not primary evidence of the substance of the original.

HALSBURY states:
Photographs properly verified on oath by a person able to speak to their accuracy are generally admissible to prove the identity of persons, or the configuration of land as it existed at a particular moment, or the contents of a lost document.

The counterfoils of rent receipts being admissible for the property manager are not admissible against the occupant.

A Photostat copy of a letter is a piece of secondary evidence, and it tends to be conceded in case the original is demonstrated to have been lost or not promptly accessible, for a given reason, it isn't convincing proof in itself of the honesty of the contents contained in that.

A carbon copy of a signature is a piece of secondary evidence within the meaning of section 63 (2) of this Act, being a copy made by a mechanical process that ensures its correctness.

A typed copy of a supposed parcel deed without charging that the archive falls under one of the classes identified in section 63 of this Act, couldn't be held to be secondary evidence.

Evidence is a basic piece of each case, regardless of whether it is a criminal case or a civil suit as it approves a fact. The facts can be utilized in evidence for choosing just as proving the disputed facts. Evidence appends weight to the facts cited as evidence. In this way, different kinds of evidence can be utilized for proving and disproving facts. Besides, evidence helps in checking down the time devoted to a specific case. In this manner, it tends to be presumed that the evidence is for judicial conduct like the reasoning for logic.

Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Shambhavi Shailendra
Awarded certificate of Excellence
Authentication No: AP33548904899-5-0421

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