Md. Imran Wahab

Md. Imran Wahab

Member since: July 17, 2023
Total live articles: 479

Md. Imran Wahab, a distinguished 2004-batch Indian Police Service officer, has dedicated over 32 years to public service, holding various senior managerial positions within the West Bengal Police force. His career has spanned diverse roles across different districts, including Kolkata Police, serving as DCP, 5th Battalion, Kolkata Armed Police and DCP (Port Division), Kolkata for approximately 4 years. He served in Barrackpore Police Commissionerate, holding the positions of DCP (Special Branch) and DCP (Traffic) for over 4 years. His tenure as Special IG and subsequently as IGP of Correctional Services, West Bengal, for over 4 years, saw him deeply engaged in improving the prison and correctional system. He visited numerous correctional homes across West Bengal, interacting with inmates, both male and female, including children residing with their incarcerated mothers. His outreach extended to correctional homes in Assam, Bihar, and Tripura. This hands-on approach provided him with invaluable insights into the workings of prisons and psychology of prisoners. Beyond his operational roles, Md. Imran Wahab possesses a strong academic background, holding B.Sc., M.A., L.L.B., and M.B.A. degrees. He has also completed Post Graduate Diplomas in Human Rights and Project Management. He has attended Indian government sponsored specialized training in police and management matters in SVPNPA, Hyderabad, IIM, Ahmedabad and in Singapore. He is the author of the book 'Police Investigation & Allied Matters,' demonstrating his commitment to knowledge sharing within the law enforcement field. As an observer for the Election Commission of India, he has gained firsthand experience in conducting assembly elections and bye-elections in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Assam, Bihar, and Tripura (twice). This exposure has given him a deep understanding of election management. He has authored over 440 articles on diverse topics.

Recent Articles by Md. Imran Wahab

Admissibility of Expert's Evidence in Court


Expert evidence is admissible in court when it meets established legal criteria, including the expert's qualifications, the relevance and reliability of their testimony, and the proper applicat...

Maintaining Case Diary Integrity in Police Investigations


Case diaries, essential records in criminal investigations, provide a chronological account of investigative activities and findings. They foster transparency and accountability, aiding the jud...

Grounds for Quashing the Charge Sheet


A charge sheet, a formal document outlining accusations prepared by law enforcement agencies, can be quashed by a court under various legal grounds. This judicial action, known as quashing, eff...

Cross-Examination: A Guide for Witnesses


Cross-examination in court is a formidable challenge, demanding a cool head and a sharp mind to protect the integrity of the case. Navigating this critical phase requires a meticulous approach,...

The Impact of Hong Kong's National Security Law: A Two-Sided Story


The year 2020 saw Hong Kong's political and social scene permanently altered with the introduction of China's National Security Law (NSL). This particular law was a direct reply to the pro-demo...

Section 161 CrPC: Challenges and Manipulations in Witness Statement Recording


In India, Section 161 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 is relevant to police officers examining witnesses in a case that is being investigated. Any statement made by a witness to a police o...

Vexatious Litigation: An Overview


Vexatious litigation, a pernicious phenomenon, involves the malicious initiation of legal proceedings devoid of any substantial basis. Its primary aim is to inflict distress, annoyance, or inti...

A Grim Reality: The Deplorable State of Police Lockups


Policer Lockup, an integral component of every police station (CID, CBI, ED and some other investigative units have their own separate lock ups), serves as a temporary holding facility for accu...

Abortion in Islam: Analyzing the Concept


Abortion in Islam is a multifaceted issue shaped by diverse interpretations of religious texts, ethical principles, and cultural norms. Although the primary sources of Islamic law (the Quran an...

Analyzing the Future of AI


The future of artificial intelligence (AI) promises transformative potential, impacting various domains such as healthcare, transportation, finance, and entertainment. As AI technology evolves ...

Differentiating Between Police Inquiry And Police Investigation


Police inquiry is not defined in any section of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. However, police conduct inquiry in respect of issuance of passport, character antecedents' verification, land ...

How a Witness Should Depose in Court?


Testifying in court can be intimidating, but proper preparation and understanding can empower witnesses to deliver confident and accurate testimony. This article provides a comprehensive guide ...

Social Media And The Law: Legal Challenges In The Digital Age


Social media has become a cornerstone of contemporary life, connecting people globally and fostering unprecedented communication and idea exchange. This interconnected world, however, has also ...

Summoned by the Police: Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities


Being summoned by police or law enforcement can evoke trepidation and stress, but it is crucial to be aware of your legal rights and obligations. When asked for questioning, provision of inform...

Understanding Unlawful Agreement And Illegal Agreement


Unlawful Agreements:An unlawful agreement is a contract or arrangement that goes against the law, public policy, or ethical principles. This makes it void, meaning it's legally invalid from the...

Rule of Law: A Critical Evaluation


The rule of law, a cornerstone principle of democracy, dictates that all individuals and institutions, including the state, regardless of their power or status, are bound by and accountable to ...

The Legal Landscape of Artificial Intelligence: Can AI Learn to Obey the Law?


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides, surpassing human capabilities in a range of cognitive tasks. As AI technologies become increasingly integrated into our lives, concerns...

Analyzing the Independence of the German Judiciary


The German judiciary enjoys a high level of independence, enshrined in the constitution. This ensures impartial justice and protects judges from undue influence. They are appointed based on mer...

Awarding Police Medals: Time to Revamp the Process


Police medals are a prestigious honour bestowed upon officers for exceptional acts of courage, outstanding service, and distinguished contributions. The rigorous selection process, involving mu...

Examining Different Types of Biases


Bias refers to systematic deviations from logical reasoning or impartiality in thought, perception, and behaviour. Cognitive shortcuts, personal experiences, and social influences often contrib...

Compliance With Illegal Orders Of Superior Officers: Ethical And Legal Implic...


In any hierarchical system - like the military, police or a corporate setup - the chain of command is of utmost importance in keeping the order and discipline intact. The superiors pass orders ...

Radiating Success: Strategies for Visibility and Promotion


Getting noticed and moving up the career ladder requires a strategic approach. It's a combination of consistently delivering excellent work, building strong professional relationships, and demo...

Spear Phishing: A Comprehensive Overview


Spear phishing, a highly targeted cyberattack, aims to deceive specific individuals into divulging sensitive data, such as login credentials or financial information. It masquerades as a legiti...

Section 436A CrPC: A Lifeline for Undertrial Prisoners in India


Section 436A of the Indian Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), 1973 stands as a vital provision aimed at addressing the pressing issue of prolonged detention for undertrial prisoners. Introduced in...

Sentence Remission Laws for Release of Convicted Prisoners


Remission refers to a reduction in the length of a prison sentence, distinct from furlough and parole, which involve temporary releases. While furlough and parole offer breaks from prison life,...

An Analysis Of The Independence Of The Judiciary In Pakistan


The basis of democratic governance, the independence of judiciary ensures that the judiciary can stand unbiased in settling legal disputes and keeping a check on the other organs of the state. ...

Analyzing Controversies Surrounding Arrests Under The Prevention Of Money Lau...


The Prevention of Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2012 (PMLA Act) outlines a structured arrest procedure designed to ensure fairness and legality. Before an arrest can be made, law enforcemen...

Thriving Amid New Entrants: Strategies for Brand Resilience


The business world is a constantly evolving landscape, a dynamic battlefield where new brands emerge relentlessly. Established brands engage in an ongoing struggle to maintain their market domi...

Ensuring Safe Disposal of Biomedical Waste


Biomedical waste, also known as healthcare waste, originates from various healthcare facilities like hospitals, clinics, dental offices, laboratories, and veterinary clinics. This waste poses s...

Analyzing The Listing Of Cases In The High Courts And Supreme Court


The listing of cases before the judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court in India is a vital administrative undertaking aimed at ensuring efficient management of the court docket and prom...

Exploring the Duality of Social Media 'X' (Twitter)


In the dynamic realm of social media, platforms engage in a fierce battle for supremacy, offering havens for unfettered expression while navigating the intricate challenges of censorship and pr...

Analyzing the Use of Handcuffs on Accused Persons by Police


The history of handcuffs stretches back centuries, evolving from simple shackles to the sophisticated restraint devices we know today. Their primary purpose has always been to prevent escape an...

Analyzing the Independence of the Bangladesh Judiciary


The independence of the judiciary serves as a fundamental pillar of democratic governance, enabling it to serve as a watchdog over the executive and legislative branches. This principle is embe...

Qualities Of a Good Divorce Lawyer


Navigating a divorce can be incredibly challenging, but a skilled divorce lawyer can be a valuable asset. They possess expertise in complex legal procedures, ensuring your rights are protected ...

FIR: Evidentiary Value: How They Shape Criminal Justice Without Being the Who...


The First Information Report (FIR) constitutes a foundational document within criminal justice systems globally. It functions as the primary record of a cognizable offense reported to law enfor...

Significance Of The Arrest Warrant Issued By The International Criminal Court


The ICC, headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, has the authority to prosecute individuals for war crimes and associated offenses. The ICC is distinct from the International Court of Justice,...

Procedural Law and Substantive Law: Analyzing Differences


Procedural Law:The legal framework concerning litigation practices adopted formal procedures over time which resulted in the use of procedural law today to facilitate fair and expedient legal p...

Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Prisons


The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the transformation of different sectors, including the criminal justice system is fast evolving. In prisons, AI is adopted to a great extent whi...

Online Voting: A Future-Oriented Approach to Democratic Participation


Technology has revolutionized how we live, work, and interact, transforming every facet of our existence. This digital revolution naturally extends to the democratic process, prompting explorat...

IPL: A Formidable Business Entity


The Indian Premier League (IPL) is not merely a cricket tournament, but a colossal multi-billion-dollar enterprise that has revolutionized the sports industry in India and beyond. Since its inc...

Hate Speech: A Global Tragedy


Hate speech, which is a type of expression used to belittle, intimidate, or provoke violence against individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or...

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Traffic Management


Modern cities grapple with a growing burden: congested roads. The rapid pace of urbanization and population growth has outstripped traditional traffic management solutions, leaving urban transp...

Cricket Related Criminal Laws


Cricket-related criminal laws comprise a comprehensive body of legal provisions that govern the conduct of players, officials, and other stakeholders in the sport. These laws aim to uphold fair...

Challenges Facing Forensic Science in India


The forensic science system struggles with a multitude of challenges, arising from limited resources, shortage of forensic laboratories and forensic experts, ever increasing number of registere...

Judicial Evolution of Law


The law is constantly evolving, shaped by the interplay of legal principles, societal values, and judicial interpretations. This essay will examine the key drivers of this evolution, including ...

Forensic Specialties: A Comprehensive Overview


Forensic specialties, including pathology, anthropology, and toxicology, provide crucial expertise in legal investigations. While these disciplines provide valuable insights, they face challeng...

Social Egg Freezing: General and Legal Evaluation


Social egg preservation alternatively referred to as elective or non-medical egg freezing, involves the process of extracting, cryopreserving, and storing a woman's eggs with the intent of safe...

Mohori Bibee v/s Dharmodas Ghose: Validity of Contract by A Minor


Section 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 stipulates that contracting parties must possess legal competence, and Section 11 specifies that minors lack such competence. Due to the Contract Act...

Income Tax Laws of India: A Comprehensive Review of Shortcomings


To create a comprehensive analysis of the deficiencies in India's income tax laws, a thorough examination of various aspects is required, including legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms, com...

Punishment For Murder In Islamic Law


In the Islamic belief system, the severity of the offense of murder is accentuated by the principles detailed in the Quran and the Hadiths, which serve as fundamental sources of guidance for Mu...

Exploring AI's Capacity to Adhere to Legal Principles


As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance rapidly, concerns about its alignment with legal and ethical frameworks become increasingly relevant. This essay analyses the intricate issu...

Assessing Laws Governing Nuclear Reactors


The legal framework for nuclear reactors is complex and crucial for guaranteeing the secure and responsible management of nuclear facilities. These laws encompass a wide array of rules, standar...

Discharge of Contract


Definition: Termination of the contractual relationship between parties is known as Discharge of Contract. This occurs when the rights and obligations established by the contract reach their c...

Ramifications of Investigative Agencies Getting Biased


When an investigative agency becomes biased, its consequences extend far and wide, threatening the very foundation of democracy, rule of law, and public trust in institutions. Such bias erodes ...

Cyber or Electronic Vandalism in India and Abroad


Cyber vandalism, also known as electronic vandalism, is the malicious act of deliberately disrupting, damaging, or defacing electronic systems, networks, or digital assets. This encompasses a b...

Injuries Leading To Non-Bailable Offenses


When certain severe offenses, like attempted murder (307 IPC) resulting in injury or grievous harm with dangerous means or weapons are involved, or if the injury is caused by acid attack, the o...

Analyzing Singapore's Death Penalty for Drug Crime


The capital punishment for drug offenses in Singapore is a polarizing topic that encompasses legal, ethical, and human rights considerations. Supporters advocate that it acts as a potent deterr...

Can Bail Be Granted By The Court Without Perusal Of Case Diary?


Bail is an integral component of criminal justice systems globally, balancing the rights of defendants against society's need for justice and protection. Within this framework, the case diary s...

Understanding Culpability In Criminal Law


Culpability is a cornerstone of criminal law, determining the extent of responsibility assigned to an individual for their criminal actions. This essay will explore the complexities of culpabil...

Impact Of Media Owners On Media Content


The connection between media owners and the content of media is not a simple matter but a puzzle, so to judge it one needs to consider power struggles, influence, subjectivity, and public benef...

Impact of Islamic Law on Modern Law


Islamic law, commonly known as Sharia Law, has had a significant impact on modern legal systems, particularly in countries with Muslim majorities. It plays a crucial role in defining family, co...

Theft and Extortion: Analyzing Differences


Theft (Section 378 IPC)According to Section 378 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, Theft is intentionally removing any movable property from the possession of its rightful owner without their cons...

Obtaining Bail Under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002


Obtaining bail in Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 cases poses complexities due to the gravity of the alleged offenses and the restrictive nature of the legislation. PMLA's objec...

The Influence Of A Biased Election Commission On Democracy


The foundation of democracy rests on the impartiality and integrity of its electoral processes. The Election Commission holds a crucial role in maintaining this integrity by overseeing election...

Deciphering Anti-Competitive Deposit Return Schemes


Deposit return schemes (DRS) have gained widespread popularity as a mechanism to address environmental pollution resulting from single-use beverage containers. While their environmental benefit...

Ramifications of Making False Rape Allegations Against an Individual


The act of filing a false rape accusation can lead to significant and extensive repercussions, affecting not only the accused individual but also society as a whole. Firstly, it is essential...

Challenges and Misuse of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 & Sec...


The SC/ST Act, or the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, was legislated to counteract the longstanding injustices and prejudice experienced by underpriv...

Relationship Between FIR And Case Diary


The relationship between the First Information Report (FIR) and the Case Diary in the legal system is crucial to comprehending the process of criminal investigation and trial. These documents p...

Qualities Of A Good Charge Sheet


A charge sheet is a legal document that summarizes the criminal charges filed against a person by law enforcement or prosecutors. It formally accuses the individual of specific offenses, provid...

Disposal of Arrest Warrant Without Execution


The termination of an arrest warrant without its execution refers to the legal procedure that cancels or withdraws a court-issued warrant before the named individual is apprehended or arrested....

Crimes Involving Artificial Intelligence


AI-related crimes refer to a wide array of illicit behaviours that leverage the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. These offenses take advantage of AI systems to carry out...

Modern Forms of Infringement of Copyright


Copyright laws have existed for a considerable period of time and have been adapted to meet current needs - an era of digital information. It is now easier than ever before to access and share ...

Issuance of Arrest Warrant Against Witness


A warrant of arrest or arrest warrant is a document issued by a court or magistrate on the state's behalf that authorizes law enforcement officers to arrest, detain, or search and seize a perso...

Phone Tapping: Current Scenario And Phone Tapping Laws


The landscape of phone tapping spyware is rapidly evolving, with new technologies emerging continuously. Among the latest phone tapping spyware tools is Pegasus, a sophisticated malware develop...

Surrogacy: Current Landscape And Its Standing in Islam


Surrogacy is a reproductive arrangement where a woman carries and gives birth to a child for another individual or couple. In gestational surrogacy, a surrogate carries an embryo created using ...

Witness Eligibility Criteria in Legal Proceedings


Under Section 118 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, all individuals are eligible to provide testimony unless the court finds that they are unable to comprehend the questions posed to them or pr...

Consideration in Contract Law: Past, Present And Future


Consideration is defined under Section 2(d) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, as an act done or abstinence from an act or promise to be done or abstained from, at the desire of the promisor. Th...

Roe v/s Wade: Right To Abortion And The Ramifications Of Its Reversal


In this American legal matter, a Texas law that banned abortions, except when necessary to preserve the mother's life, was contested for infringing upon the constitutional guarantee of liberty ...

Incised Wounds: Importance in Criminal Investigation


An incised wound is a cut caused by a sharp-edged object, such as a knife or broken glass. It usually has clean, straight edges with minimal tissue damage, often resembling a surgical or intent...

Forensic Odontology: Role in Police Investigation & Identification


Forensic odontology falls under the realm of forensic science, a specialized field that uncovers the identity of individuals through their dental records. The discipline delves into the scrutin...

Unborn Child: Rights and Status in Islam and Other Laws


A child still in the womb is unborn child. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 and the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 laws in India mention the unborn child and have created its legal identity by fi...

Grant of Bail by Police in Non-bailable Cases


The Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), 1973 in India contains crucial safeguards, namely Section 437(2), that protect the rights of individuals accused or suspected of committing non-bailable offe...

Difference Between Hurt, Wound And Injury


The terms 'hurt,' 'wound,' and 'injury' are often used interchangeably to describe physical harm or damage to the body, but they have distinct meanings and usage. Describing pain in medical ter...

Bypassing the International Criminal Court


There are several reasons why some states choose not to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), including issues of sovereignty, jurisdiction, human rights violations concerns and biases. ...

Empowering Developing Nations: Strategies for International Survival & Growth


International survival and development in the world arena are a complex problem that developing countries need to handle. Although every nation may have a specific situation, there are some pri...

Advocating for the Accused in Court


The duty of defending an accused in court falls upon the shoulders of a defence lawyer. Let's delve into the basic manoeuvres and tacks that usually find their way to the defence attorney's pla...

Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): Legal Analysis


In December 2019, the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was passed in our country, which offers a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan who...

Integrating WhatsApp in Supreme Court Proceedings: A Critical Analysis


A crucial step towards incorporating the WhatsApp messaging platform into Supreme Court proceedings was taken when Justice DY Chandrachud, Chief Justice of the Indian Supreme Court, announced i...

Extradition Treaty in International Law


A contract of extradition or extradition treaty is a duly signed document that covenants two or more nations to help transfer individuals who are wanted or sentenced in connection with a crime ...

Manipulation of Viscera Report in Poisoning Death Cases


Determinations from postmortem investigations are essential in order to grant closure to families and friends of the deceased, as well as help facilitate subsequent legal proceedings. Criminal ...

PMLA: Balancing Crime Prevention with Civil Liberties


The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) was enacted in 2002 as a crucial legal tool to combat money laundering and related offences in India. Its primary objective is to detect, investiga...

Why USA Vetoes all UN Resolutions Against Israel?


The United States wields its veto power in the UN Security Council to obstruct resolutions critical or against the interests of Israel, motivated by factors such as: Strategic alliance w...

Analyzing Characteristics of Different Constitutions of the World


Diverse constitutions across the globe differ in their structures, rights, and powers of governance. Ranging from the United States Constitution, whose provisions are elaborate, to the European...

Title IX of the USA: Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sex


Title IX is a comprehensive federal statute in the United States that prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity that receives federal funding. Incorporated in...

Influence Of Media Owners On Editors, News Reporters And Readers


The intricate relationship among news reporters, presenters, and media owners involves various forms of influence, both overt and covert. This analysis delves into the mechanisms by which media...

Refining the Second Amendment Addressing Gun Violence in the USA


The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is an essential part of the American legal system and national customs that have been formed for many years and have been evolving through...

Combating Deepfakes with Inadequacies of Existing Laws


Artificially generated media, known as deepfakes, has emerged as a major concern due to its potential to manipulate video, audio, and images using advanced technology like Artificial Intelligen...

Detecting And Analyzing Media Bias


Detecting media bias can be accomplished by observing various indications. These include biased reporting that presents a one-sided view, cherry-picking facts, using exaggerated or attention-gr...

Differences Between Reinvestigation And Further Investigation


Reinvestigation: The act of reinvestigation entails a thorough review and reconsideration of a previously completed investigation, with the intention of uncovering additional evidence or witne...

Relationship Between Jurisprudence and International Law


Jurisprudence, the philosophy and theory of law, and international law, the body of rules governing relations between states and other international actors, share a complex and symbiotic relati...

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Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law


Introduction The concept of the "Pure Theory of Law" was developed by Hans Kelsen, an Austrian...

Grounds for Cancellation of Bail


Introduction Once a court grants bail to someone, it can take it back under certain circumstan...

Import of General Diary


Introduction A General Diary (GD), also known as a General Diary Entry or simply a Diary Entry...

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