Latest from Medico-Legal

Fetal Well-being v/s Judicial Well-being: Right of a Child in the Womb to Liv...


The recent National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission's judgment on fetal sonography is a blatant example of judicial activism and retributive justice. The case: Udayan and ors. v/s M/S...

A Brief of Medical Negligence In India


What Is Medical Negligence?Medical negligence refers to a breach of duty or care by a healthcare provider, resulting in harm or injury to the patient. It occurs when a healthcare professional f...

Case Laws On Good Faith Exemption From Medical Negligence


Q. Indian case law on good faith exemption from medical negligence?In India, the concept of "good faith" in medical negligence cases is often discussed in the context of whether a doctor can be h...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Factitious Disorder Imposed by Another A Case ...


Munchausen syndrome by proxy, now known as Factitious Disorder Imposed by Another (FDIA), is a recognized mental health condition. Individuals with this disorder, often dominant and assertive, ...

Global Health Security: A Geopolitical Imperative In A Connected World


In the 21st century, the confluence of global health security and geopolitics has become an imperative consideration for nations around the world. The increasing frequency and impact of pandemi...

Preserving Justice: The Medico-Legal Convergence


In the complex landscape where medicine and law converge, the field of medico-legal practice plays a pivotal role. Combining expertise from both disciplines, medico-legal professionals navigate...

Statutory Interpretation Of Consumer Protection Act 2019: Professions, Legal ...


Whenever there is ambiguity in any provision of a Statute, the Judiciary is required to interpret the language used. Using the method of 'literal construction' in the overall 'context of scheme...

Mental Health In India And Laws Regarding Mental Health In India


World Mental Health Day, observed annually on October 10, serves as a vital platform to raise awareness and combat the social stigma surrounding mental health worldwide. Established in 1992 by ...

Ensuring Safe Disposal of Biomedical Waste


Biomedical waste, also known as healthcare waste, originates from various healthcare facilities like hospitals, clinics, dental offices, laboratories, and veterinary clinics. This waste poses s...

Medical Negligence Is An Offence That Needs To Be Adjudicated Per Exceptions/...


Medical negligence is an offence that needs to be adjudicated per exceptions/exemptions provisions. Exceptions provide a licensed physician exemption from any liability Causing bodily harm/in...